Winterbourne Academy

Parent Partners


We hold termly Parent Partner meetings at Winterbourne Academy so that we can ensure parents have a voice on whole school improvement and priorities.

If you would like to join the group and come along to a meeting, please email us at

What is Parent Partners?

Parent Partners is forum through which parents and carers can be consulted, learn more about the school, be provided with information on changes the school is looking at, feedback and network with others parents and carers. We are keen for Parent Partners to be representative of all parents and carers in the school community and welcome any parents who would like to contribute to decisions making in the school.

Involvement in the Parent Partners group is less formal and requires a lesser commitment than being a member of the School Improvement Committee (Governors), whilst enabling parents and carers to make a real contribution to the school.

The benefits of Parent Partners

  • The school works with parents and carers to find solutions
  • Parents voice influences how we implement strategy
  • The school gains a better understanding of parents experiences and views
  • Parents have a forum to express their views and meet other parents
Functions of Parent Partners

Parent Partners gives parents and carers a route to express their opinions and ideas and the school, and Governors a means to sound out parents’ and carers’ views on decisions about the strategic direction of the school. It also supports the School Improvement Committee in promoting the wellbeing of students.

Parents and carers value not only educational achievement at the school, but a commitment to a positive ethos and a range of activities and opportunities beyond the formal curriculum.

The School Improvement Committee remains the decision-maker and provides the strategic leadership for the school. Parent Partners have a consultative and advisory role; it is a means to strengthen the voice of parents and carers and to enable them to express their opinions and influence decisions. Parents and carers are a driving force behind their children’s achievements, but also for improving the school system as a whole.