Winterbourne Academy

Winterbourne Academy Open Event for September 2026 Admissions

We are delighted to be holding the following Open Events for 2026 admissions into Year 7 and Post 16:

Secondary Open Event - Thursday 25th September 2025, 5pm - 7.30pm

An open evening for parents/carers and current Year 6 students, with tours and bookable presentations from our Headteacher at 5pm, 5.40pm, 6.20pm and 7.00pm. Please book your place below by clicking on the Secondary icon below.

  • If you would like to tour the school only, there is no need to book a presentation slot. Please just come along from 5pm (but leave enough time to view the school as we will bring the evening to a close at 7.30pm).
  • If you book the 7.00pm presentation, please arrive earlier than this so you have time to view the school and talk to students & staff, as there will be no opportunity to do this after the presentation.

Post 16 Open Event - Thursday 6th November 2025, 5.30pm

An open evening for students and parents/carers of those wishing to study at Post 16 in September 2025. Bookable presentations are available at 5.30pm and 6.30pm. Please book your place below by clicking on the Post 16 icon below.

  • If you book onto the 6.30pm presentation, please arrange to visit the school earlier than this so you have time to view the facilities and talk to our teaching staff.

 We look forward to meeting you all soon!

Secondary-Open-Events-2025-for-Admissions-September-2026 (ID 1042)

Admissions Information
