Winterbourne Academy

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) there is a focus on EBacc subjects, with these taking two thirds of curriculum time to ensure that students have the greatest possible advantage in excelling in these areas and to develop clear academic rigour.

A full experience of arts and practical subjects is regarded as crucial for developing students’ skills and knowledge, with these taking nearly 30% of KS3 curriculum time. There is also additional provision for English and maths in Year 7 and 8, using extra groups and additional one-to-one or very small group time with subject specialist teachers in order for students who are behind in these core subjects to catch-up. Literacy and reading is also prioritised, with 3 sessions of 15 minutes in tutor time dedicated to reading in Years 7 to 10.

Year 9 is a transition year to GCSE, where students choose their options ready to start in Year 10. English, maths and science begin to deliver GCSE topics and shift students to an increasingly advanced understanding. Students also begin a GCSE in either Citizenship or Religious Education, to be completed at the end of Year 10. This reflects our commitment to developing students’ wider understanding of issues, culture and the world, and also allows each individual to experience the rigours of GCSE exams and assessment, including the need for independent revision, without the full demands of exams in all subjects. Students are also able to specialise in design technology subjects.

Find out more about each subject here:

Science KS3 Curriculum Maths KS3 CurriculumEnglish KS3 Curriculum Modern Foreign Languages KS3 Curriculum Religious Studies KS3 Curriculum Geography KS3 CurriculumTechnology KS3 Curriculum Art KS3 Curriculum History KS3 Curriculum PE KS3 CurriculumDrama KS3 CurriculumComputing KS3 CurriculumMusic KS3 Curriculum