Our Team
To contact staff not listed below, please email enquiries@winterbourneacademy.org.uk in the first instance. Our reception team is happy to redirect your email as appropriate.
Senior Leadership Team
Leadership Team (ID 1259)
Mrs Jenny CartwrightHeadteacher
Mrs Jenny Cartwright
Mr Kieran MogfordDeputy Headteacher (Behaviour & Culture)
Mr Kieran Mogford
Mrs Amanda MortonDeputy Headteacher (Quality of Education, Key Stage 3)
Mrs Amanda Morton
Mrs Sarah BarkerAssistant Headteacher (Key Stage 4)
Mrs Sarah Barker
Mr Charlie PeakeAssistant Headteacher (Key Stage 5)
Mr Charlie Peake
Ms Ellen TomkiesAssistant Headteacher (Culture & Ethos) & Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Ellen Tomkies
Mr Ian TrevarthenAssistant Headteacher (Teaching & Learning)
Mr Ian Trevarthen
Mrs Reidun CalvertPA to the Headteacher & Operations Lead
Mrs Reidun Calvert
Miss Julie FennerAssociate Assistant Headteacher (Literacy and Catch up)
Miss Julie Fenner
Ms Emma KirbyAssociate Assistant Headteacher/SENCo
Ms Emma Kirby
Mrs Sarah WebberAssociate Assistant Headteacher (Personal Development)
Mrs Sarah Webber
Mrs Laura O'DonoghueActing Finance Manager
Mrs Laura O'Donoghue
Safeguarding (ID 1264)
Ms Ellen TomkiesDesignated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Ellen Tomkies
Mrs Stacey GywnnDeputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Stacey Gywnn
Miss Rebecca CurleyAssistant Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Rebecca Curley
Post 16
Post 16 (ID 1262)
Mr Charlie PeakeAssistant Headteacher, KS5
Mr Charlie Peake
Mr Phil MiltonDeputy Head of Sixth Form
Mr Phil Milton
Mrs Teresa LambP16 Pastoral & Careers
Mrs Teresa Lamb
Mrs Jenny ArpinoPost 16 Administrator
Mrs Jenny Arpino
Subject Faculty Leads
Subject faculty leads (ID 1267)
Mrs Delydd BriscoeFaculty Lead for Mathematics
Mrs Delydd Briscoe
Mrs Alison ScottFaculty Lead for English
Mrs Alison Scott
Miss Chloe JamesFaculty Lead for English
Miss Chloe James
Mrs Annemarie BarnesFaculty Lead for Science
Mrs Annemarie Barnes
Mrs Sara HutchinsonFaculty Lead for Humanities
Mrs Sara Hutchinson
Mr Lee MastersFaculty Lead for Modern Foreign Languages
Mr Lee Masters
Mrs Rachel GittoesFaculty Lead for Arts / Head of Music
Mrs Rachel Gittoes
Mrs Sam HuckerFaculty Lead for Technology
Mrs Sam Hucker
Mrs Melanie Spencer (Greaves)Faculty Lead for Physical Education
Mrs Melanie Spencer (Greaves)
Ms Abigail GreenwoodFaculty Lead for Social Sciences
Ms Abigail Greenwood
Key Stage Leads
Assistant Key Stage Leads (ID 1265)
Mr Ben DonlinTransition/Year 7
Mr Ben Donlin
Miss Rebecca NicholsYear 8 & 9
Miss Rebecca Nichols
Mr Sam BlackwellYear 10 & 11
Mr Sam Blackwell
Mr Phil MiltonYear 12 & 13
Mr Phil Milton
Heads of Year
Heads of Year (ID 1266)
Miss Holly KearyHead of Year 7
Miss Holly Keary
Mr Matt ShaftoHead of Year 8
Mr Matt Shafto
Mrs Elizabeth CurrantHead of Year 9 (shared role)
Mrs Elizabeth Currant
Mr Paul WilsonHead of Year 9 (shared role)
Mr Paul Wilson
Mr Dariuz DaveyHead of Year 10
Mr Dariuz Davey
Mr Anthony HopkinsHead of Year 11
Mr Anthony Hopkins
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Special Educational Needs (ID 1263)
Ms Emma KirbySENCo
Ms Emma Kirby
Mrs Jane HarrisDeputy SENCo
Mrs Jane Harris
Mr Tom CoventryDeputy SENCo
Mr Tom Coventry
Miss Gabrielle Basso RicciAssistant SENCo
Miss Gabrielle Basso Ricci
Ms Jennifer MorrisonSEN Administrator
Ms Jennifer Morrison