Winterbourne Academy


Winterbourne Academy (Year 7 - 11, including sixth form) has its own Local Governing Committee and is accountable to the Board of Trustees of the Academy Trust.

Our School Improvement Governing Committee (SIC) is represented on the Board of the Olympus Academy Trust and as such are directly involved in decision making at Board level, and have the opportunity to input and collaborate in all key areas that may impact the Winterbourne school community.

Click here to learn more about The Olympus Academy Trust.

The Governors at Winterbourne Academy work closely with the school’s Senior Leadership Team and staff to develop the vision and aims of the school community. They seek to raise standards and achievement through the appropriate use of all available resources.

The Governors’ responsibilities are to:

  • Provide strategic direction for the work and improvement of the school
  • Support, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the school
  • Ensure accountability for standards and quality of education in the school

The quality of governance is assessed by OFSTED in its Leadership and Management judgement about the school.

The Local Governing Committee consists of people from a variety of backgrounds who represent different areas of the school and local community. Each governor is appointed for a four-year term and all their work is completed on a voluntary basis. All Governors are subject to an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring (DBS) check and are required to complete regular training on a range of aspects relating to education and school life.

Governors meet as a full team for at least six formal meetings during the school year but as well as having a commitment to attend these meetings, Governors are involved in many aspects of school life such as recruitment interviews, meetings with students and parents, lesson visits, monitoring the school improvement agenda, and meetings with staff.

The school is always keen to hear from people who may be interested in finding out more about our work or in becoming a school Governor themselves. Initial contact can be made with the Headteacher or Chair of the Local Governing Committee via the school.

For all correspondence to the Governors, please contact the Trust Governance Assistant at

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