Requesting time out of school
How to I request an absence from school?
DfE regulations regarding leave in term time state that no student may take leave during term time, unless this fits the criteria of an exceptional circumstance (see our Attendance Policy for details). The Headteacher will make the final decision as to what constitutes exceptional circumstances. If leave is granted, the Headteacher will determine the number of Academy days a child can be away.
- Requested absence will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.
- Holiday requests will not be granted.
If a student’s family requests a leave of absence due to exceptional circumstances, a Request for Absence During Term Time form will need to be completed before the absence begins (please contact the school office if you would like a paper copy):
Any absence taken without authorisation may lead to the involvement of the Education Welfare Officer. Parents/carers may be issued a Fixed Penalty Notice for taking their child on holiday during term time without the consent of the Academy. Early intervention and student support sits at the heart of our approach to raising levels of student attendance.
The Olympus Academy Trust prioritises the monitoring, support and robust action needed to secure high levels of attendance and works in close partnership with the Local Authority to place matters before the court in circumstances where parents/carers do not ensure that their child attends school regularly and punctually.
Unauthorised Absences and Fixed Penalty Notices
In cases where no valid reason for absence has been provided or where your child arrives after the register has closed at 8.40am, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised.
Where no reason has been provided, we will contact you either by text, email or telephone to check if your child is safe and why they are absent. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry out a home visit.
The Headteacher may issue a fine (known as a Fixed Penalty Notice) for unauthorised absence. This can include:
- Holidays
- Not providing a reason for absence
- Unauthorised lateness to school (after the registers are closed)
The decision whether to issue a fine will take into account whether the national threshold has been met – namely 10 sessions of unauthorised absence in a rolling period of 10 school weeks – as well as other factors. Note that 10 sessions are 5 full days.
Before a fine is issued, you may receive a notice to improve to give you a chance to engage with support.
The new penalty rates are:
- £160 per parent per child, £80 if paid within 21 days.
- Second offence within 3 years: £160 with no discount.
There is a maximum of 2 penalties in 3 years per child. Further offences may lead to prosecution.
Click here for more information on penalties enforced by South Gloucestershire Local Authority.