Links & Resources
We are committed to supporting students both academically and personally, recognising the importance of dedicated attention inside and outside the classroom. Beyond the guidance from tutor groups, students have access to a caring Pastoral team and a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) department. The Academy collaborates with various external agencies, including the Educational Psychology Service and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), to ensure comprehensive support for all students.
The following resources and guidance is available to help foster and support a safe inclusive environment:
- Meet our SEND team and SEND at Winterbourne Academy
- Information for Children, Young People and their Families in South Gloucestershire
- ADHD Foundation ADHD together Living with ADHD
- Anxiety Uk Mind Young Minds
- Ambitious about Autism National Autistic Society
- NSPCC - age limits, working hours & pay
- South Glocestershire Safeguarding
- British Dyslexia Association & Dyslexia Action
- The Dyscalculia Centre
- Dyspraxia Foundation & Movement matters
- Further information for Children, Young People and their Families in South Gloucestershire: South Glos. CAMHS resource list - where to get help
- Keeping Children Safe in Education
- Life Coach Directory was set-up in order to raise awareness of coaching and to enable visitors to find the most suitable qualified coach for their needs. Coaching is the process of guiding a person from where they are to where they want to be, and can address a range of areas from career advice to family coaching.
- NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online
- Action Deafness & Royal Society for Blind Children
- Parent Partnership & SEND and You
- Supporting your child during difficult times - Kooth has produced this Guidance Booklet & FAQs
- Information and support for young carers at Winterbourne Academy
- ADFAM offers information to families of drug and alcohol users, and the website has a database of local family support services. Email:, Tel: 020 3871 9410
- ASH (Action on Smoking and Health) A campaigning public health charity aiming to reduce the health problems caused by tobacco. Email:, Tel: 0207 404 0242
- Children’s Legal Centre operates a free and confidential legal advice and information service covering all aspects of law and policy affecting children and young people. Email:, Tel: 01206 714 650 (general queries only)
- Drinkaware - An independent charity that promotes responsible drinking through innovative ways to challenge the national drinking culture, helping reduce alcohol misuse and minimise alcohol related harm. Tel: 0207 766 9900
- Drink line - A free and confidential helpline for anyone who is concerned about their own or someone else’s drinking. Tel: 0300 123 1110 (24hrs)
- Drug wise is a centre of expertise on illegal drugs, aiming to inform policy development and reduce drug-related risk. The website includes detailed drug information and access to the Information and Library Service.
- FRANK is the national drugs awareness campaign aiming to raise awareness amongst young people of the risks of illegal drugs, and to provide information and advice. It also provides support to parents/carers, helping to give them the skills and confidence to communicate with their children about drugs. Email:, Tel: 0300 123 6600 (24hr helpline)
- Family Lives - A charity offering support and information to anyone parenting a child or teenager. It runs a free-phone helpline and courses for parents, and develops innovative projects. Tel: 0808 800 2222
- Re-Solv (Society for the Prevention of Solvent and Volatile Substance Abuse) A national charity providing information for teachers, other professionals, parents and young people. Email:, Te: 01785 810765 (information line) or Text: 07496 959930
- Smokefree - NHS Smoking Helpline, Tel: 0300 123 1044
- Stars National Initiative offers support for anyone working with children, young people and families affected by parental drug and alcohol misuse.
- Youth Offending Teams – Local Youth Offending Teams are multi-agency teams and are the responsibility of the local authority, who have a statutory duty to prevent offending by young people under the age of 18.