Curriculum Intent Statement
We believe in a broad and balanced curriculum for all which helps create rich cultural capital. The curriculum is designed to enable all students to access a wide variety of pathways, whilst maintaining a strong academic core, and to enable all students to progress and achieve to the highest possible level, whatever their starting point. We believe in enabling students to become life-long learners, developing the skills, inspiration and knowledge for future success.
Students follow national curriculum subjects from Years 7 to 9, ensuring breadth and access is maintained for every child. The vision for students’ learning at KS3 is to create enjoyment and deep knowledge in each subject, developing skills such as creativity, resilience, independence and problem solving, whilst also enhancing literacy for all across the curriculum. Learning is sequenced with a clear focus on previous study and future progression, as well as with a conscious awareness of links across the curriculum, especially those which build on wider knowledge and understanding of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development. Collaboration with the Trust ensures that curriculum coverage meets agreed Key Learning Intentions for each subject, meaning that high standards for all are explicit, expected and embedded in each through an entitlement curriculum.
In addition, personal development of students is intrinsic to curriculum planning across the school, being embedded in subjects and in KS3 themes, as well as in regular drop down days and in PSHE bespoke lessons which are delivered by tutors for an hour a week in tutor time.