Winterbourne Academy

Half Term House Squat Fundraiser

We are excited to launch a school-wide half-term challenge in support of our squat fundraiser for Cancer Research UK! This competition is open to all students, staff and members of our wonderful Winterbourne Community, and we’d love for as many people as possible to get involved.

How it works:

  • Earn 5 House Points per challenge completed
  • Bonus 5 House Points if you complete all nine challenges!
  • Send photographic evidence of your completed challenges to your House Captain (check your emails for details).

Deadline for entries: Friday 7th March

We would be so grateful if you could donate and share our fundraising link far and wide to help us raise as much as possible for this important cause. Every squat counts! Every donation matters! Every effort makes a difference! Let’s show the power of the Winterbourne community!

Have a lovely half term and happy squatting!

Mr Condron, Miss Cleverly, Miss Grimshaw, Miss Portwood, Miss Dockerill, and Mr Chalken
Heads of House