Gloucester Cricket Foundation: Get into Cricket 3.0 (for 14 to 18 year olds)
Following on from the huge success of ‘Get into Cricket’ over the last two years, Gloucester Cricket Foundation are now rolling out ‘Get into Cricket 3.0’ for 2025.
This programme has had great success, and they are now looking to grow and get more young people involved for this year. Please see below some of the highlights from last year:
- 62 boys and girls signed up for the scheme.
- 10 young people completed over 40 hours voluntary hours at their cricket clubs.
- Sign-ups came from 25 different clubs in Gloucestershire.
- Students have used the scheme as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Scheme.
They have created an initiative centred programme based around training, developing, and rewarding young people across all areas of the game. Their exciting programme will inspire Young Leaders aged 14 to 18 to ‘Get into Cricket 3.0’ volunteering. This course will give young people a toolkit of qualifications that will directly benefit them, encouraging them to start immediately with incentives to complete and log voluntary hours.
The initiative will include the following mandatory workshops:
- All Stars & Dynamos Cricket Activators Course (Coaching)
- Introduction to Umpiring
- Introduction to Scoring
- The Grounds Management Association workshop
- Certificate in Emergency First Aid
- Nutrition and Health workshop
- Digital Marketing workshop
- Online Safeguarding workshop
The whole programme will only cost £40 per participant.
The course is aimed to be accessible throughout Gloucestershire, and so strategically placed courses will be delivered and there will be 15 places available per course, 90 places in total.
Get into Cricket 3.0 encourages Young Leaders to use the qualifications they’ve obtained on the course to complete voluntary hours at their cricket club or school. On reaching 20 hours & 40 hours, signed off by a club official, young leaders will receive a reward from GCF's partners Gray-Nicolls. Once you have completed all the modules, GCF will offer you tickets to watch Gloucestershire CCC play as a way of rewarding you for your commitment.
In addition, the course will dovetail nicely with Young Leaders completing voluntary hours as part of other award schemes such as, the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Rather than announce dates and venues right away, GCF plan on booking venues and dates based around where most young people live, with the aim of reducing travel as much as they can.
Dates will start during the Easter holidays and will be spread out, likely to finish late May/early June. There will be opportunities to select the dates, timings and venues that suit you best. This will be made available once the deadline for registration passes (Friday 7th March).
Once the signup form has been completed, the new Young Leader will be sent the booking links for all courses.
To book on to the Get into Cricket 3.0 programme, please follow the link: . There are only 90 places which are first come, first served.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact