Winterbourne Academy


Where any parent or carer has concerns about their child’s attendance, we really want to hear from you so that we can work together to reduce absence from school. We know that for some children, attending school and the routine of learning is more difficult - please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.  

If your child is unable to attend the Academy due to illness (or any other reason including appointments during the school day), it is important that you contact us as soon as possible on:

When reporting illness-related absence, please provide as much information as possible, e.g.  D & V – diarrhoea and vomiting; flu like symptoms; high temperature, etc. Avoid using reasons such as ‘ill’ and ‘unwell’. Please contact the Academy on each day of absence. On the day your child returns to school they must bring a note from their parent/carer explaining the reason for absence.


Winterbourne Academy and the Olympus Academy Trust are passionate about attendance because being in school regularly really does matter! 

Building habits of regular attendance ensures that your child enjoys all of the many benefits that school brings, such as, opportunities for learning and making progress, as well as wider personal development opportunities like enjoying different enrichment clubs and sports or creative clubs. 

Making connections everyday with other children and staff also builds belonging, which we believe is an essential component of a healthy, happy child. 

We are delighted to be involved in the Olympus Academy Trust’s attendance campaign “In School Together”.



Attend to Achieve



Planned Absence

If a student’s family requests a leave of absence in term time, a form will need to be completed before the absence begins. Please be aware that such absences are only authorised in very exceptional circumstances. Absences taken without authorisation may lead to the involvement of the Education Welfare Service. This form can be accessed either from Academy Reception, or by clicking on the link below:

Click here to request for absence during term time.

Repeated lateness will result in disciplinary action being taken. Persistent absences will lead to Academy intervention.

Excellent attendance is intrinsically linked to academic achievement and progress.

Students who have regular absence, patterns of unauthorised absence, broken weeks of attendance and high levels of absence for minor illness are unlikely to achieve their academic potential.

DfE regulations regarding leave in term time state that no student may take leave during term time, unless this fits the criteria of an exceptional circumstance. The Headteacher will make the final decision as to what constitutes exceptional circumstances. If, due to exceptional circumstances, leave is granted, the Headteacher will determine the number of Academy days a child can be away.

Any absence taken without authorisation may lead to the involvement of the Education Welfare Officer. Parents and carers may be issued a Penalty Notice for taking their child on holiday during term time without the consent of the Academy. Early intervention and student support sits at the heart of our approach to raising levels of student attendance.

The Olympus Academy Trust prioritises the monitoring, support and robust action needed to secure high levels of attendance and works in close partnership with the Local Authority to place matters before the court in circumstances where parents/carers do not ensure that their child attends school regularly and punctually.

 Further resources